The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY
Lighting Design Awards
2024 |
IES Illumination Award of Merit | |
New York, NY | |
2023 |
New York Public Library, The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SFNL) |
ALA / IIDA - Library Interior Design Award for Public Libraries |
New York, NY | |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Citation for Integration of Daylight and Electric Light | |
La Jolla, CA | |
Allison and Roberto Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals at The American Museum of Natural History |
2023 Light & Architecture Design Awards, Honor Award |
New York, NY | |
2022 |
New York Public Library, The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SFNL) |
ALA / IIDA - Library Interior Design Award for Public Libraries |
New York, NY | |
2022 SARA, Special Award for Innovation in Civic Work | |
Allison and Roberto Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals at The American Museum of Natural History |
IES New York City, Illumination Award of Excellence |
New York, NY | |
2021 |
Vilcek Foundation | AIA Award for Interior Architecture |
New York, NY | |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Excellence | |
New York, NY | |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
2020 |
The Dune House | 2020 SARA, NY Design Award of Excellence |
Southampton, NY | |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Merit for Sustainable Lighting Design | |
Mwabwindo, Zambia | IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | Lighting Design Awards, Daylight Project of the Year, Commended |
The New St. Pete Pier | 2020 Best of Design Award for Infrastructure |
St. Petersburg, Florida | FAIA Award for Design Excellence |
2019 |
Cornell Tech | AIA NY, Design Honor Award |
New York, NY | |
2018 |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
Kansas City, MO | |
2017 |
AIA Institute, Honor Award for Architecture | |
Chicago, IL | |
2016 |
AIA NY, Design Honor Award | |
New York, NY | |
AIA NY, Design Honor Award | |
Brooklyn, NY | |
St. Pete Pier |
AIA NY, Design Honor Award |
St. Petersburg, FL | |
Sugar Hill Children’s Museum of Art & Storytelling |
AIA NY, Design Honor Award |
Bronx, NY | |
2015 |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
Pittsburgh, PA | |
AIA Institute, Honor Award for Architecture | |
Brooklyn, NY | |
AIA NY, Design Honor Award | |
Chicago, IL | |
2014 |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
Oklahoma City, OK | AL Design Award, Outstanding Achievement Exterior Lighting |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
New York, NY | |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Excellence | |
Fayetteville, AR | IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
Hamden, CT | |
2013 |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
Chicago, IL | |
2012 |
The Frick Collection - Portico Gallery for Decorative Arts and Sculpture |
Friends of the Upper East Side Historic District, Renaissance Award |
New York, NY | AIA NY, Design Merit Award |
2011 |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
New York, NY | IES New York City, Lumen Citation |
IES Edwin C. Guth Memorial Award for Interior Lighting Design, Award of Excellence | |
AL Design Awards, Commendable Achievement for Interior Lighting | |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Excellence | |
New York, NY | IES New York City, Lumen Award of Merit |
IALD, International Lighting Design Award of Merit | |
AL Design Awards, Outstanding Achievement, Residential | |
2010 |
Craig Thomas Discovery Visitor Center at Grand Teton National Park |
European Center for Architecture & The Chicago Athenaeum, Green Good Design Award |
Moose, WY | |
2009 |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
Tipp City, OH | |
The Oak Room at the Plaza Hotel |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit |
New York, NY | |
Craig Thomas Discovery Visitor Center at Grand Teton National Park |
AIA Seattle, Honor Award |
Moose, WY | |
2008 |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Excellence for Interior Lighting | |
Kansas City, MO | IES New York City, Lumen Award of Excellence for Exterior Lighting |
IES North America, Illumination Award of Merit | |
AL Design Awards, Outstanding Achievement, Whole Building Project | |
AIA NY, Architecture Honor Award | |
Nelson Gallery Foundation, Outstanding Dedication & Commitment Award | |
Craig Thomas Discovery Visitor Center at Grand Teton National Park |
AIA Pennsylvania, Silver Metal |
Moose, WY | Chicago Athenaeum, American Architecture Award |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Merit | |
Napa Valley, CA | IES North America, Illumination Design Merit Award |
IES New York City, Lumen Award Citation for Integration of New Technology into a Historic Restoration | |
New York, NY | |
2007 |
AIA Central States, Architecture Award | |
Kansas City, MO | Leaf, New Built Award |
Craig Thomas Discovery Visitor Center at Grand Teton National Park |
AIA Northern Pennsylvania, Award of Excellence |
Moose, WY | Wood Design Awards, Honor Award |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Merit | |
Louisville, KY | |
2006 |
IES New York City, Lumen Award of Merit with Distinction for Civil Service | |
Bronx, NY |